Unpublished Papers
Skill Prices, Occupations, and Changes in the Wage Structure for Low Skilled Men, 2019, with Nicolas Roys
- Turnover and
Wage Growth for Low Skilled Men, 2009, with Tricia Gladden
- Direct
Estimation of Policy Impacts, 2000, with Hidehiko Ichimura
- Evaluation
and Identification of Semiparameteric
Maximum Likelihood Models of Dynamic
Discrete Choice, 1998, with Stephen Cameron
Published Papers
Estimation of a Life-Cycle Model with Human
Capital, Labor Supply and Retirement, 2024, January, with Xiaodong Fan and Ananth Seshadri, Journal of Political Economy
Understanding women's wage growth using indirect inference with importance sampling, 2021, June,
Journal of Applied Econometrics , with Robert Sauer
Estimation of a Roy/Search/Compensating Differential
Model of the Labor Market, 2020, May , Econometrica ( http://www.econometricsociety.org), with Rune Vejlin
Difference-in-Differences Method in Comparative Effectiveness Research: Utility
with Unbalanced Groups, 2016, Applied
Health Economics and Health Policy, with Huanxue Zhou, Steve Arcona, and Yunfeng Li
Estimating the Cream Skimming Effect
of School Choice, 2015, Journal
of Political Economy, with Joseph Altonji and Ching-I Huang
Life-Cycle Wage Growth and Heterogeneous Human Capital,
2012, Annual Review of Economics, with Carl Sanders
Inference with "Difference in Differences" with a Small Number of Policy Changes,
2011, The Review of Economics
and Statistics, with Timothy Conley
Displacement, Asymmetric Information, and Heterogeneous Human Capital, 2011, Journal of
Labor Economics, with Luojia Hu
Identification of Models of the Labor Market,
2010, Handbook of Labor Economics, with Eric French
Estimating the Effect of Student Aid on College Enrollment: Evidence from a Government Grant
Policy Reform, 2010, American Econmoic Journal: Economic
Policy, with Helena Skyt Nielsen and Torben Sorensen
The Relationship Between Wage Growth and Wage Levels, 2009, Journal of Applied
Econometrics, with Tricia Gladden
Using Selection on Observed Variables to Assess Bias from
Unobservables when Evaluating Swan-Ganz Catheterization,
2008, American Economic Review:
Papers and Proceedings, with Joseph Altonji and Todd Elder
The Changing Pattern of Wage Growth for Low Skilled Workers,
2006, Working and Poor: How Economic and Policy Changes
Are Affecting Low-Wage Workers, with Bhashkar Maxumder and Eric French
Selection on Observed and Unobserved Variables: Assessing the Effectiveness of Cahtolic Schools,
2005, Journal of Political
Economy, with Joseph Altonji and Todd Elder
An Evaluation of Instrumental Variable Strategies of Estimating the Effects of
Catholic Schooling,
2005, Journal of Human
Resources, with Joseph Altonji and Todd Elder
Estimation of Educational Borrowing Constraints Using Returns to Schooling,
2004, Journal
of Political Economy, with Stephen Cameron
Tax Reform and Human Capital
Accumulation: Evidence from an Empirical
General Equilibrium Model of Skill Formation, 2002, Advances in Economic Analysis & Policy
Semiparametric Reduced Form Estimation of Tuition Subsidies, 2002,
American Economic Review Papers and Proceedings, with Hidehiko Ichimura
The Rising College Premium in
the Eighties: Return to College or
Return to Unobserved Ability?
The Rising College Premium in
the Eighties: Return to College or
Return to Unobserved Ability?, 2001, Review of Economic Studies
Propensity-Score Matching with Instrumental Variables,
2001, American Economic Review, Papers and Proceedings, with
Hidehiko Ichimura
Semiparametric identification and
heterogeneity in discrete choice dynamic
programming models, 2000, Journal
of Econometrics
Wage Progression Among Low Skilled Workers, 2000,
Finding Jobs: Work and Welfare Reform, with Tricia Gladden
Human Capital Formation and
General Equilibrium Treatment
Effects: A Study of Tax and Tuition
Policy, 1999, Fiscal Studies, with James Heckman and
Lance Lochner
Explaining Rising Wage Inequality: Explorations with a Dynamic General Equilibrium Model
of Earnings with Heterogeneous Agents, 1998, Review of Economic Dynamics, with James Heckman and Lance Lochner
General-Equilibrium Treatment Effects:
A Study of Tuition Policy, 1998, American Economic Review, Papers and Proceedings, with James
Heckman and Lance Lochner
Tax Policy and Human-Capital Formation, 1998, American Economic Review, Papers and Proceedings, with James Heckman and Lance Lochner
Accounting for Dropouts in Evaluations of Social Programs, 1998, The Review of Economics and Statistics, with James Heckman and Jeffrey Smith
What do Bureaucrats Do? The Effects of Performance Standards and Bureaucratic Preferences on Acceptance into
the JTPA Program, 1996, Reinventing Government and the Problem of Bureaucracy, with James Heckman and Jeffery Smith
Some Effects of Taxes on Schooling and Training, 1996, American Economic Review, Papers and Proceedings, with Willliam
Dupor, Lance Locner, and Mary Beth Wittekind
Econometric mixture models and more general
models for unobservables in duration analysis, 1994, Statistic Methods in Medical Research, with James Heckman