Alan Sorensen
Professor of Economics
University of Wisconsin
1180 Observatory Drive
Madison, WI 53706
Course Info
Research papers:
- "Equilibrium Price Dispersion in Retail Markets for Prescription
Drugs," Journal of Political Economy, v. 108 n. 4 (August 2000). [PDF]
- "Price Dispersion and Heterogeneous Consumer Search for Retail
Prescription Drugs," NBER Working Paper 8548, October 2001. [PDF]
- "Insurer-Hospital Bargaining: Negotiated Discounts in
Post-deregulation Connecticut," Journal of Industrial Economics, v. 51 n. 4 (December 2003). [PDF]
- "Information and Consumer Choice: The Value of Publicized Health Plan
Ratings" (with Ginger Jin), Journal of Health Economics, v. 26
n. 2 (March 2006). [PDF]
- "Social Learning and Health Plan Choice," RAND Journal of Economics, v. 37 n. 4 (Winter
2006). [PDF]
- "Bestseller Lists and Product Variety," Journal of Industrial Economics, v. 55 n. 4
(December 2007). [PDF]
- "Information and the Skewness of Music Sales" (with Ken Hendricks), Journal of Political
Economy, v. 117 n. 2 (April
2009). [PDF]
- "Positive Effects of Negative Publicity: When Negative Reviews Increase Sales" (with Jonah Berger
and Scott Rasmussen), Marketing Science, v. 29 n. 5 (September-October
2010). [PDF]
- "Bundle-size Pricing as an Approximation to Mixed Bundling" (with Sean Chu and Phillip
Leslie), American Economic Review, v. 101 n. 1 (February
2011). [PDF]
- "Calorie Posting in Chain Restaurants" (with Bryan Bollinger and Phillip Leslie), American
Economic Journal: Economic Policy, v. 3 n. 1 (February
2011). [PDF]
- "Observational Learning and Demand for Search Goods" (with Ken Hendricks and Tom Wiseman),
American Economic Journal: Microeconomics, v. 4 n. 1 (February 2012). [PDF]
- "Supply Responses to Digital Distribution: Recorded Music and Live
Performances" (with Julie Holland Mortimer and Chris Nosko), Information Economics
and Policy, v. 24 n. 1 (March 2012). [PDF]
- "Resale and Rent-Seeking: An Application to Ticket Markets" (with Phillip Leslie), Review of
Economic Studies, v. 81
(2014). [PDF]
- "Bestseller Lists and the Economics of Product Discovery," Annual Review of Economics,
2017. [PDF]
- "The Impact of Information Technology on the Diffusion of New Pharmaceuticals" (with Kenneth
Arrow and Kamran Bilir), American Economic Journal: Applied Economics, 2020. [PDF]
- "Dynamics and Efficiency in Decentralized Online Auction Markets" (with Ken Hendricks and Tom Wiseman) [PDF]
- "For-Profit Entry and Market Expansion in the Hospice Industry" (with Andrea
P. Chung) [PDF]
- "Does Hospice Reduce Costs at the End of Life? Estimates from a Dynamic Model of Hospice Choice" (with Toby Campbell, Andrea Chung, and Dennis McWeeny) [PDF]
- "Students' Heterogeneous Preferences and the Uneven Spatial Distribution of Colleges" (with Chao Fu, Junjie Guo, and Adam Smith), Journal of Monetary Economics, 2022. [PDF]
- "Product Repositioning by Merging Firms" (with Enghin Atalay, Chris Sullivan, and Wanjia Zhu), forthcoming, Journal of Industrial Economics. [PDF]
- "Measuring the Value of Targeted Television Advertising" (with Lu Liao and Andrey Zubanov) [PDF]
- "Triplet Embeddings for Demand Estimation" (with Lorenzo Magnolfi and Jonathon McClure) [PDF]
- "Scalable Demand and Markups" (with Enghin Atalay, Erika Frost, Chris Sullivan, and Wanjia Zhu) [PDF]