
Fields: Labor Economics, Empirical Microeconomics


  • "Interaction of the Labor Market and the Health Insurance System: Employer-Sponsored, Individual, and Public Insurance" (with Naoki Aizawa), accepted Journal of Labor Economics, paper, appendix

  • "Government Expenditure on the Public Education System" (with Shoya Ishimaru and John Kennan), International Economic Review, 2024, 65(1): 43-73. paper, appendix

  • "Students' Heterogeneous Preferences and the Uneven Spatial Distribution of Colleges"(with Junjie Guo, Adam Smith and Alan Sorensen), Journal of Monetary Economics, 2022, 129, 49-64. paper , appendix

  • "Wandering Astray: Teenagers' Choices of Schooling and Crime" (with Nicolas Grau and Jorge Rivera), Quantitative Economics, 2022, 13(2): 387–424. paper , appendix

  • "Structural Estimation of a Model of School Choices: the Boston Mechanism vs. Its Alternatives" (with Caterina Calsamiglia and Maia Guell), Journal of Political Economy. 2020, 128 (2): 642-680. paper, appendix

  • "Estimation of an Equilibrium Model with Externalities: Post-Disaster Neighborhood Rebuilding" (with Jesse Gregory), Econometrica, 2019, 87 (2): 387-421. pdf

  • "Structural Estimation of a Becker-Ehrlich Equilibrium Model of Crime: Allocating Police across Cities to Reduce Crime" (with Kenneth Wolpin), Review of Economic Studies, 2018, 85 (4): 2097-2138. pdf

  • "Ability Tracking, School and Parental Effort, and Student Achievement: A Structural Model and Estimation" (with Nirav Mehta), Journal of Labor Economics, 2018, 36 (4): 923-979. pdf

  • "College-Major Choice to College-Then-Major Choice" (with Paola Bordon), Review of Economic Studies , 2015, 82 (4): 1247-1288 pdf

  • "Equilibrium Tuition, Applications, Admissions and Enrollment in the College Market" Journal of Political Economy , 2014, 122(2): 225-281 pdf

  • "Training, Search and Wage Dynamics", Review of Economic Dynamics, 2011, 14(4): 650-666 paper Online Appendix

  • "Assumptions Matter: Model Uncertainty and the Deterrent Effect of Capital Punishment" (with Steven Durlauf and Salvador Navarro), American Economic Review: P&P, 2012, 102(3): 487-492 pdf

  • "Capital Punishment and Deterrence: Understanding Disparate Results" (with Steven Durlauf and Salvador Navarro), Journal of Quantitative Criminology, 2013, 29(1): 103-121 pdf

    Working Papers

  • "Equilibrium in the Market for Public School Teachers: District Wage Strategies and Teacher Comparative Advantage" (with Barbara Biasi and John Stromme) paper, appendix R&R at Journal of Political Economy

  • "College Loans and Post-Schooling Skill Accumulation" (with Luke Lin and Atsuko Tanaka) paper , R&R at International Economic Review

  • "Moral Hazard and the Sustainability of Income-Driven Repayment Plans" (with Xiaomeng Li and Basit Zafar) pdf

  • "Competition and the Cannibalization of College Quality" (with Paola Bordon, Ana Gazmuri and Jean-Francois Houde) pdf

    Work in Progress

  • "Information Friction and Teachers' Labor Market" (with Mark Colas)

  • "College Financial Aid Policies" (with Emily Cook and John Stromme)

  • "The Supply of Teachers and Students' Achievement" (with Jane Liu, Chris Taber and Matt Wiswall)

  • "Information, Match Quality, and the Design of Student-School Assignment Mechanisms" (with Dong Woo Hahm and Minseon Park)

  • "Childcare and Long-Term Care: A Family Tale of Altruism and Strategization" (with Ami Ko)

    We develop and estimate a dynamic model that captures the interaction between grandparents' provision of childcare and their daughters' caregiving for the elderly over the life cycle. Our model accounts for both altruistic and strategic motives underlying the intergenerational time transfers, which we disentangle using data from multiple sources. We use the estimated model to examine the welfare implications of childcare and long-term care policies.