March, 2011
Name: Jane Allyn Piliavin
Current position:
Conway-Bascom Professor Emerita of Sociology and Women's Studies,
University of Wisconsin-Madison
Current Address:
Office: Department of Sociology,
8128 William H. Sewell Social Science Building
1180 Observatory Drive
University of Wisconsin
Madison, Wisconsin 53706 (summer only)
Home: 5105 Sealane Way, Oxnard CA 93035
- Office - Area code 608 - 262-4344 (office); 608-262-2921 (messages)
- Home - 805-985-2436; cell 608-513-5188
- University of Rochester, 1954-58, B.A. High Honors, Psychology, 1958
- Stanford University, 1958-62, Ph.D., Social Psychology, 1962
Employment History
- Acting Instructor, Stanford University, 1960-62
- Junior Research Psychologist, 1962-63 and Assistant Research Psychologist,
1963-66, Survey
- Research Center, University of California, Berkeley
- Lecturer in Psychology, University of California at Berkeley, 1964-66
- Visiting Assistant Professor of Psychology, Mills College, 1966-67
- Assistant Professor of Psychology, University of Pennsylvania, 1967-70
- Associate Professor, 1970-73; Professor, 1973-76, School of Family
Resources and Consumer Sciences, University of Wisconsin
- Professor, 1976-2006, Sociology Department, University of Wisconsin
Administrative Experience
- Co-Chair, Chancellor's Committee on Women's Studies, 1974-5
- Chair, Women's Studies Program, 1975-6
- Chair, Child and Family Studies Department, School of Family Resources
and Consumer Sciences, 1975-6
- Associate Chair, Department of Sociology, 1979-82
- Director of Graduate Studies, Department of Sociology, 1984-1990
- Organizer, Conference of the Society of Experimental Social Psychology,
October 20-23, 1988, Madison, Wisconsin (Attendance: 350)
- Chair, Department of Sociology, 1994 - 1997
University, College, and Graduate School Committee Service
- The Herfurth Awards Committee, 1971-2
- Search and Screen Committee, Dean, School of Family Resources and
Consumer Sciences, 1974-75
- College of Letters and Science Faculty Appeals Committee, 1979-1994
- College of Letters and Science Ad Hoc Committee on Teaching Assistants,
- College of Letters and Science Development Committee, 1979-80
- Graduate School Fellowships Committee, 1978-1982
- Graduate School Biomedical Grant Review Committee, 1980-1986
- Undergraduate Hilldale Research Awards Committee, 1991-92
- Letters and Science Nominations Committee 1993-7;Chair, 1995-7
- Athletic Board, 1993-2001
- Academic Affairs Committee 1993-2001
- Equity and Planning Committee 1993-2001
- Student-athlete Welfare Committee(1995-7
- Personnel Committee 1996-2001
- Academic Integrity Subcommittee, NCAA Certification 1993-4
- College of Letters and Science TA Awards Committee 1998-2000
- Committee on Academic Affairs of Minority/Disadvantaged Students 1998-2001
- Letters and Science Advising Center 1997 -2006
Honor Societies and Professional Associations
- Society of Experimental Social Psychology
- European Association of Experimental Social Psychology
- American Psychological Society (Fellow)
- American Sociological Association
- Council, Section on Social Psychology, 1983-1986
- Chair, Section on Social Psychology, 1990-91
- Member, Professional Affairs Committee, Section on Social Psychology,
- American Association for the Advancement of Science
- Phi Beta Kappa
- Society of the Sigma Xi
- 22nd Katz-Newcomb Lecturer, University of Michigan, April 22-23,
Presentation "In the beginning there is the body: implications
for social psychology."
- Conway-Bascom Professorship, Department of Sociology, July, 2001- June 2006.
- Cooley-Mead Award, Social Psychology Section of the American Sociological Association, August, 2008
Special Appointments
- Member, Social Problems Review Panel, N.I.M.H., 1972-1976
- Member, Social and Developmental Psychology Panel, NSF, 1980-1983
- Member, Transfusion Medicine D & E Parent Committee, NIH, 1984-1985
- NIH Consensus Development Panel on Platelet Transfusion Therapy, October
6-8, 1986
- Reviewer, American Foundation for AIDS Research, 1987-1995
- Member, NIH Working Group on AIDS and Blood Donation, 1988-
- Member, Panel on AIDS Intervention and Research, Committee on AIDS
Research and the
- Behavioral, Social and Statistical Sciences, National Research Council,
CBASSE, 1989-1990 (wrote most of chapter on Aids and the blood supply
in Aids: The Second Decade)
- Member, AABB Ad Hoc Committee on Donor Incentives, 1993-1995
- Member, Blood Products Advisory Committee, FDA 1993-7.
- Member, Donor and Patient Safety Committee, National Marrow Donor
Program, 1997-
- Member, Blood Safety and Availability Committee, Department of Health
and Human Services 1997-
- Consulting Editor, Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 1974-1977;
1984-1986; 1997-
- Associate Editor, Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, 1975-1977
- Consulting Editor, European Journal of Social Psychology, 1982-
- Consulting Editor, Journal of Applied Social Psychology, 1982-1996
- Consulting Editor, Social Psychology Quarterly, 1988-90; 1994-7
- Honorary Member, Editorial Board, Polish Psychological Bulletin, 1989-
- Member, Committee to evaluate the Sociology Department, University
of Illinois- Champaign-Urbana, January, 1996
- Member, Committee to evaluate the Sociology Department, University
of Michigan, April, 1997
Areas of Teaching Interests
- social psychology
- prosocial behavior
- research methods
- sociology of sport
- Glock, C.Y., Wuthnow, R., Piliavin, J.A., and Spencer, M. Adolescent
Prejudice. New York: Harper & Row, 1975.
- Piliavin, J.A., Dovidio, J., Gaertner, S., and Clark, R.D., III.
Emergency Intervention. New York: Academic Press, 1981.
- Piliavin, J.A., and Callero, P.L. Giving Blood: The Development
of an Altruistic Identity. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press,
- Schroeder, D., Penner, L., Dovidio, J., and Piliavin, J.A. The
Psychology of Helping and Altruism: Problems and Puzzles. New York:
McGraw-Hill, 1995.
- Dovidio, J., Piliavin, J.A., Schroeder, D. and Penner, L. 2006. The Social Psychology of Prosocial Behavior. Mahwah, N.J: Lawrence Erlbaum.
Articles and Chapters:
- Allyn, J. and Festinger, L. The effectiveness of unanticipated persuasive
communications. Journal of Abnormal and Social Psychology, 1961, 62,
- Hardyck, J.A. and Braden, M. Prophecy fails again: A report of a
failure to replicate. Journal of Abnormal and Social Psychology, 1962,
65, 136-141.
- Stein, D.D., Hardyck, J.A., and Smith, M.B. Race and Belief: an open
and shut case. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 1965, 1,
- Hardyck, J.A. Consistency, relevance, and resistance to change. Journal
of Experimental Social Psychology, 1966, 2, 27-41.
- Hardyck, J.A. Predicting response to a negative evaluation. Journal
of Personality and Social Psychology, 1968, 9, 128-132.
- Hardyck, J.A. and Kardush, M. A modest modish model for dissonance
reduction. In Abelson et al. (Eds.), Consistency Theories. Chicago:
Rand McNally, 1968.
- Piliavin, I.M., Hardyck, J.A., and Vadum, A.C. Constraining effects
of personal costs on the transgressions of juveniles. Journal of Personality
and Social Psychology, 1968, 10, 227-231.
- Piliavin, I.M., Vadum, A.C., and Hardyck, J.A. Delinquency, personal
costs, and parental treatment: A test of a cost-reward model. Journal
of Criminal Law, Criminology, and Police Science, 1969, 60, 165-172.
- Piliavin, J.A., Piliavin, I.M., Lowenton, E., McCauley, C., and Hammond,
P. Observers' reproductions of dissonance effects: the right answers
for the wrong reasons? Journal of Personality and Social Psychology,
1969, 13, 98-106.
- Piliavin, I.M., Rodin, J., and Piliavin, J.A. Good samaritanism:
an underground phenomenon? Journal of Personality and Social Psychology,
1969, 13, 289-299.
- Smith, M.B., and Piliavin, J.A. The schools and prejudice: Findings.
In C.Y. Glock and E. Siegelman (Eds.), Prejudice, U.S.A. New York: Frederick
Prayer, Inc., 1969.
- Simons, C.W., and Piliavin, J.A. The effect of deception on reactions
to a victim. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 1972, 21,
- Comer, R.J., and Piliavin, J.A. The effects of physical deviance
upon face-to-face interactions: The other side. Journal of Personality
and Social Psychology, 1972, 23, 33-38.
- Piliavin, J.A., and Piliavin, I.M. The effect of blood on reactions
to a victim. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 1972, 23,
- Walster, E., and Piliavin, J.A. Equity and the innocent bystander.
Journal of Social Issues, 1972, 28, 165-190.
- Walster, E., Walster, G.W., Piliavin, J.A., and Schmidt, L. "Playing
hard-to-get: understanding an elusive phenomenon." Journal of Personality
and Social Psychology, 1973, 26, 113-121.
- Walster, E., Piliavin, J.A., and Walster, G.W. The hard-to-get woman.
Psychology Today, September 1973, 8-83.
- Comer, R.J., and Piliavin, J.A. As others see us: attitudes of physically
handicapped and normal to own and other groups. Rehabilitation Literature,
1975 (July), 36 (7), 206-221, 225.
- Piliavin, I.M., Piliavin, J.A., and Rodin, J. Costs, diffusion, and
the stigmatized victim. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology,
l975, 32, 429-438.
- Piliavin, J.A., On feminine self-presentation in groups, in J. Roberts
(Ed.), Beyond Intellectual Sexism: A New Woman, A New Reality. New York:
McKay Press, 1976.
- Piliavin, J.A., Piliavin, I.M., and Broll, L., Time of arrival at
an emergency and likelihood of helping, Personality and Social Psychology
Bulletin, 1976, 2, 273-276.
- Konle, C., and Piliavin, J. Vocational aspirations in kindergarten
children: early sex differences, Wisconsin Sociologist, 1976, 13, 119-124.
- Piliavin, J.A., and Martin, R.R. The effects of the sex composition
of groups on style of social interaction. Sex Roles, l978, 4 (2), pp.
- Marecek, J., Piliavin, J.A., Fitzsimmons, E., Krogh, E.C., Leader,
E., and Trudell, B. Women as experts in television commercials: a three
year study. Journal of Communication, Winter, 1977-78, pp. 159-168.
- Walster, E., Walster, G.W., and Piliavin, J.A. Equity theory and
helping relationships. In L. Wispe (Ed.), Sympathy, Altruism, and Helping.
New York: Academic Press, 1978.
- Piliavin, J.A., Dovidio, J., Gaertner, S., and Clark, R.D. III. Responsive
bystanders: the process of intervention. In V. Derlega and J. Grzelak
(Eds.), Cooperation and helping behavior: theories and research. New
York Academic Press, 1982.
- Callero, P. and Piliavin, J.A. Developing a commitment to blood donation:
the impact of one's first experience. Journal of Applied Social Psychology,
1983, 13, 1-16.
- Piliavin, J.A., Callero, P., and Evans, D.E. Addiction to altruism?
Opponent-process theory and habitual blood donation. Journal of Personality
and Social Psychology, 1982, 43, 1200-1213.
- Piliavin, J.A., Evans, D.E., and Callero, P. Learning to "give
to unnamed strangers": the process of commitment to regular blood
donation. In E. Staub, D. Bar-Tal, J. Karylowski, and J. Reykowski,
(Eds.), The development and maintenance of prosocial behavior: International
Perspectives. New York: Plenum, in 1984.
- Gratz, R.R. and Piliavin, J.A. What makes kids sick: Children's beliefs
about the causative factors of illness. Children's Health Care, 1984,
12, 156-162.
- Piliavin, J.A. and Unger, R.K. The helpful but helpless female: Myth
or reality? In O'Leary, G., Unger, R.K., and Wallston, B.S., Women,
Gender, and Social Psychology. Hillsdale, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates,
- Briggs, N.C., Piliavin, J.A., Lorentzen, D., and Becker, G.A. On
willingness to be a bone marrow donor. Transfusion, 1986, 26 (4), 324-330.
- Piliavin, J.A. & Libby, D. Perceived social norms, personal norms,
and blood donation: aggregate and individual level analyses. Humboldt
Journal of Social Relations, 1986, 13, 159-194.
- Piliavin, J.A. Temporary deferral and donor return. Transfusion,
1987, 27, 199-200.
- Piliavin, J.A. Age, race, and sex similarity to candidates and voting
preference. Journal of Applied Social Psychology, 1987, 17, 351-368.
- Callero, P.L., Howard, J.A., and Piliavin, J.A. Helping behavior
as role behavior: Disclosing social structure and history in the analysis
of pro-social action. Social Psychology Quarterly,1987, 50, 247-256.
- Piliavin, J.A., and Charng, H. What is the factorial structure of
the private and public self-consciousness scales? Personality and Social
Psychology Bulletin, 1988, 14, 587-595.
- Charng, H., Piliavin, J.A., and Callero, P.L. Role-identity and reasoned
action in the prediction of blood donation. Social Psychology Quarterly,
1988 (December), vol. 51 (6), 303-317.
- Piliavin, J.A. The development of motives, self-identities, and values
tied to blood donation: A Polish-American comparison study, in Eisenberg,
N., Reykowski, J., and Staub, E. (Eds.), Social and moral values: Individual
and Societal Perspectives. Erlbaum, 1989.
- Piliavin, J.A. Role-identity and organ donation: Some suggestions
based on blood donation research. pp 150-158 in Shanteau, J. and Harris,
R.J. (Eds.) Organ Donation and Transplantation: Psychological and Behavioral
Factors. Washington, D.C.: American Psychological Association, 1990.
- Piliavin, J.A. Why do they give the gift of life? A Review of Blood
Donation Research since Oswalt (1977). Transfusion, 1990, 30, 444-459.
- Piliavin, J.A., and Charng, H-W. Altruism: A Review of Recent Theory
and Research. The Annual Review of Sociology, 1990, 16, 27-65.
- Piliavin, J.A. Is the road to helping paved with good intentions?
Or inertia based on habit? pp. 259-280 in Howard, J. and Callero, P.L.
(Eds.) The Self-Society Interface: Cognition, Emotion, and Action. Cambridge:
Cambridge Univ. Press, 1991.
- Dovidio, J.F., Piliavin, J.A., Gaertner, S.L., Schroeder, D.A. ,
and Clark, R.D., III. The arousal: cost-reward model and the process
of intervention. pp. 86-118 In M. S. Clark (Ed.) Prosocial Behavior,
Newbury Park, Ca: Sage Publications, Inc., 1991.
- Piliavin, J.A. and LePore, P.C. Biology and social psychology: Beyond
nature vs. nurture. in Cook, K., Fine, G., and House, J. (Eds.) Sociological
Perspectives on Social Psychology. Allyn and Bacon. 1994.
- Margolis, B. and Piliavin, J.A. 1999. Stacking' in major league
baseball: a multivariate analysis. Sociology of Sport Journal, 16: 16-34.
- Lee, L., Piliavin, J. A., and Call, V. R. A. 1999. Giving money,
time, and blood: Similarities and differences. Social Psychology Quarterly,
62, 276-290.
- Ting, J-C, and Piliavin, J.A. 2000. Altruism in comparative international
perspective. In Phillips, J., Chapman, B., and Stevens, D. (Eds.) Between
state and market; Essays on Charities Law and Policy in Canada. (Pp.
51-105) Montreal and Kingston; McGill-Queens University Press.
- Grube, J., and Piliavin, J. A. 2000. Role-identity, organizational
experiences, and volunteer performance. Personality and Social Psychology
Bulletin. 26: 1108-1119.
- Howard, J. , and Piliavin, J.A. 2000 Altruism. pp. 114-120 in Encyclopedia
of Sociology. Ed. by Borgatta, E.F., and Montgomery, R.J.V. New
York: Macmillan Reference USA.
- Piliavin, J. A. 2001. The Sociology of Altruism and Prosocial Behavior.
pp. 411- 415 in International Encyclopedia of the Social and Behavioral
Sciences. Ed. by Smelser N.J. and Baltes P.,B. Oxford, UK: Pergamon.
- Piliavin, J.A., Callero, P.L., and Grube, J. 2002. Role as resource
in public service. Journal of Social Issues, 58: 469-486.
- Pliavin, J.A. 2003. Doing well by doing good: Benefits for the benefactor.
Pp. 227-247 in Keyes, Corey Lee M. and Haidt, Jon (Eds.). Flourishing:
The Positive Psychology and the Life Well Lived. Washington, D.C.:APA,
- Piliavin, J.A. 2004. Feeling good by doing good: In Omoto, A. M. &
Oskamp, S. (Eds.) Processes of community change and social action.
Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates.
- Piliavin, J.A., Lee, L., and Call, V.R.A. 2004. Dar tiempo, dinero
y sangre: Un analisis sociologico comparado. (Giving time, money, and
blood: A comparative sociological analysis.) in Vilarino, J.P (Ed.) Religión
y Sociedad en España y Estados Unidos in homage a Richard A.
Shoenherr.Madrid: Centro de Investigaciones Sociologicas.
- Hitlin, S., and Piliavin, J.A. 2004. Current research, methods, and
theory of values. Annual Review of Sociology.30:359-393.
- Penner, L.A., Dovidio, J.F., Piliavin, J.A., and Schroeder, D.A. 2005. Prosocial behavior: Multilevel perspectives. Annual Review of Psychology. 56 :365-392.
- Schreiber, G. B., Sharma,U.K., Wright, D.J., Glynn, S.A., Ownby, H.E., Tu,Y., Garratty, G., Piliavin, J. A., Zuck,T., & Gilcher. R. 2005. First year donation patterns predict long-term commitment for first-time donors. Vox Sanguinis. 88:114-121.
- Piliavin, J.A. 2005. Feeling good by doing good: Pp. 29-50 in Omoto, A. M. & Oskamp, S. (Eds.) Processes of community change and social action. Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates.
- Pagano, M.E., Phillips, K.A., Stout, R.L., Menard, W., & Piliavin, J.A. The impact of helping behaviors on the course of substance use disorders, Journal of Studies on Alcohol and Drugs, Vol 68(2), Mar 2007. pp. 291-295.
- Piliavin, J. A. and Siegl, E. 2007. Health benefits of volunteering in the Wisconsin Longitudinal Study. Journal of Health and Social Behavior. 48(4): 450-464.
- Piliavin, J. A. 2008. Long-term benefits of habitual helping: Doing well by doing good. Pp 241-258 in Sullivan, B.A., Snyder, M. , and Sullivan , J.L. (Eds.) Cooperation: The Political Psychology of Effective Human Interaction, Malden, MA: Blackwell.
- Piliavin, J.A. 2009. Volunteering across the life-span: Doing well by doing good. Pps. 157-172. In Stürmer, S. & Snyder, M. (Eds.) The Psychology of Prosocial Behavior: Group Processes, Intergroup Relations, and Helping. Oxford, UK: Blackwell.
- Piliavin, J.A. 2009. Altruism and Helping: The Evolution of a Field: The 2008 Cooley-Mead Presentation. Social Psychology Quarterly, 72 (3), 209-225.
- Turner, J., Grube, J. A., and Piliavin, J.A. (2010) The courage of one’s convictions: When do nurse practitioners report unsafe behavior? Health Communication Journal. 25, (2), 155-64.
Piliavin, J.A., and Siegl, E. 2015. Health and Well-being Consequences of Formal Volunteering. Chapter 24, pp. 494-523 in Schroeder, D. A. and Graziano, W.G.(Eds.) Handbook of Prosocial Behavior. Oxford University Press.
Reviews, Responses, and Research Notes:
- Hardyck, J.A. "On nasty surprises." A review of Harvey,
O.J. (Ed.), Motivation and Social Interaction: Cognitive Determinants.
In Contemporary Psychology, 1965, 10, 8-9.
- Piliavin, J.A. "Tobacco Road: l965." A review of Baughman,
E.E., and Dahlstrom, W.G., Negro and White Children: A Psychological
Study in the Rural South. In Contemporary Psychology, 1970, 15, 729-730,
- Piliavin, J.A. "Prosocial behavior." A review of Staub,
E. Positive Social Behavior and Morality, Vol. 1: Social and Personal
Influences, and Positive Social Behavior and Morality, Vol. 2: Socialization
and Development. In Contemporary Psychology, 1980, 25 (8), 602-604.
- Piliavin, J.A. Methods, findings, and history in attitude-behavior
research: a rejoinder to Hanson. In Psychology, 1981, 18, 1.
- Piliavin, J.A. A review of Reid, I., and Wormald, E. (Eds.), Sex
Differences in Britain (London: Grant McIntyre, 1982). In The Journal
of Social Welfare Law, 1984.
- Piliavin, J.A. A review of Nadler, A. et al. (Eds.), New Directions
in Helping: Recipient Reactions to Aid. In Contemporary Sociology, 1984.
- Piliavin, J.A. When in doubt, ask the subject. a solicited response
to Egan, J. M. Graduate school and the self: a theoretical view of some
negative effects of professional socialization. in Teaching Sociology,
1989, 17, 208-210.
- Piliavin, J.A. A review of Eckert, R.D. and Wallace, E.L. Securing
a safer blood supply: Two views. Washington, D.C.: American Enterprise
Institute, 1985. In Contemporary Sociology, 1986.
- Piliavin, J.A. Review of Stature and Stigma: the Biopsychosocial
Development of Short Males, by L. F. Martel and H.B. Biller. Lexington,
Mass: Lexington Books, 1987, in Contemporary Sociology, 1989.
- Piliavin, J.A. Introduction of John Clausen for the Cooley-Mead Award.
Social Psychology Quarterly, 1991, 54, 1-3.
- Piliavin, J.A. Beyond rescue to a caring society. A review of Oliner,
P.M. et al. (Eds.) Embracing the other: Philosophical, psychological,
and historical perspectives on altruism. in Contemporary Psychology.
1994, 39: 1098-1099.
- Piliavin, J.A. Review of Kristin Monroe, The Heart of Altruism, in
American Journal of Sociology, 1997, pp. 495-496.
- Piliavin, J.A. Practical utopia building. 1998. 4:307-309. Peace
and Conflict: Journal of Peace Psychology. A review of Oliner, .M.
Oliner, S.P., Toward a Caring Society. Westport, CT: Praeger, 1995.
- Piliavin, J.A. Review of Sherri Grasmuck, Protecting Home: Class, Race, and Masculinity in Boys’ Baseball. In Contemporary Sociology: A Journal of Reviews, 2006, 35, 367-368.
- Piliavin, J.A. 2008. Review of Healy, Last Best Gifts: Altruism and the Market for Human Blood and Organs. In Social Forces, 86: 1358-1359.
Piliavin, J.A. Review of The Paradox of Generosity: Giving we Receive, Grasping We Lose, by Christian Smith and Hilary Davidson. New York, NY: Oxford University Press, 2014. In Contemporary Sociology, 2015.
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