Reading List
List of readings to be included in reading packet for Sociology 236, Jane
Piliavin, fall semester, 2002.
- O'Neill, Michael. 1989. The Third America. Chapter 1. The nonprofit
world. pp. 1-19.
- Knoke, D. and Wood, J.R. 1981. Chapter 1: A theory of voluntary association
behavior. pp. 1-29 in Organized for Action: Commitment in Voluntary
Associations. New Brunswick N.J.: Rutgers Univ. Press.
- Berkowitz, B. (1987) Introduction, Pp. 1-10. Local Heroes.
Lexington, MA: Lexington Books.
- Morrow-Howell, N. and Ozawa, M. N. Helping network: Seniors to seniors.
1987. The Gerontologist, 27, pp. 17-20.
- Milligan, S., Maryland, P., Ziegler, H., and Ward, A. Natural helpers
as street health workers among the black urban elderly. 1987. The
Gerontologist, 27, 712-715
- Latane, B., and Darley, J. 1970. Chapters 5 (37-42) and 7(55-67) in
The Unresponsive Bystander: Why Doesn't He Help? New York: Appleton.
- Sober, E., and Wilson, D.S. 1998. Chapter 7. Three theories of motivation.
Pp. 223-248 and notes. And Conclusion: Pluralism pp. 329-337. Unto
Others: The evolution and Psychology of Unselfish Behavior. Cambridge,
MA: Harvard University Press.
- Jane Mansbridge, The rise and fall of self-interest in the explanation
of political life, pp. 3-22. In Beyond Self-Interest, Mansbridge,
J. (Ed.)
- Christopher Jencks. Varieties of altruism, pp. 54-67 in same
- Sober, E. and Wilson, D.S. 1998. Introduction and Chapter1, Altruism
as a biological concept. (Pp. 1-26 and notes) Unto Others: The evolution
and psychology of unselfish behavior. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University
- Martin, G.B., and Clark, R.D., III 1982. Distress crying in infants:
Species and peer specificity. Developmental Psychology, 18, 3-9;
- Matthews, K.A., et al. 1981. "Principles in his nature which
interest him in the fortune of others...": The heritability of
empathic concern for others. Journal of Personality, 49, 237-247.
- Faves, R.A., et al. 1989. Effects of rewards on children's prosocial
motivation: A socialization study. Developmental psychology,
25, 509-515;
- Smith, C.L. et al. 1979. Children's causal attributions regarding
help giving. Child Development, 50, 203-210.
- Latane, B. and Dabbs, J.M. 1975. Sex, group size and helping in three
cities. Sociometry, 18, 180-194.
- Carlo, G., Eisenberg, N., Troyer, D., Switzer, G., and Speer, A. 1991.
The altruistic personality: In what contexts is it apparent? Journal
of Personality and Social Psychology, 61, 450-458.
- Shotland, R.L., and Straw, M. 1976. Bystander response to an assault:
When a man attacks a woman. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology,
34, 990-999;
- Wilson, J.P. 1976. Motivation, modeling, and altruism: A person X
situation analysis. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology,
34, 1078-1086.
- Poppendieck, J. 1998. Chapter 8: Charity and dignity (pp. 230-255),
Sweet Charity: Emergency Food and the End of Entitlement. New
York: Viking.
- Hochschild, A. R. 1979. Emotion work, feeling rules, and social structure.
American Journal of Sociology, 85, 551-575;
- Stein, M. 1989. Gratitude and attitude: A note on emotional welfare.
Social Psychology Quarterly, 52, 242-248.
- Friedman, D. and McAdam, D. 1992. Collective identity and activism:
Networks, choices and the life of a social movement. pp. 156-173 in
Morris, A.D., and Mueller, C.M. Frontiers in Social Movement Theory.
New Haven: Yale University Press.
- Oliver, P. 1984. "If you don't do it, nobody else will":
Active and token contributors to local collective action. American
Sociological Review, 49, 601-610.
- Marwell, G., and Ames, R.E. 1981. Economists free ride, does anyone
else? Journal of Public Economics, 15, 295-310;
- Poppendieck, J. 1998. Introduction (pp. 1-19) and Conclusion (pp.
288-318), Sweet Charity: Emergency Food and the End of Entitlement.
New York: Viking.
- Clary, E.G., Snyder, M. , Ridge, R.D., Copeland, J., Stukas, A.A.,
Haugen, J, and Miene, P. 1998. Understanding and assessing the motivations
of volunteers: A functional approach. Journal of Personality and
Social Psychology, 74, 1516-1530.
- Wharton, C.S. 1991. Why can't we be friends: Expectations versus experiences
in the volunteer role. Journal of Contemporary Ethnography, 20, 79-106.
(long but easy reading)
- Butterworth, V.A., Simmons, R.G., and Schimmer, M. 1993. When altruism
fails: reactions of unrelated bone marrow donors when the recipient
dies. Omega, 26, 161-173.
- Stukas, Arthur A., E. Gil Clary, and Mark Snyder. 1999a. "The
effects of mandatory volunteerism' on intentions to volunteer."
Psychological Science, 10: 59-64
- Koeske, G.F., and Kelly, T. 1995. The impact of over-involvement on
burnout and job satisfaction. American Journal of Orthopsychiatry,
65, 282-292.
- Mickler, S.E., and Rosen, S. 1994. Burnout in spurned medical caregivers
and the impact of job expectancy training. Journal of Applied Social
Psychology, 24, 2110-2131.
- Uggen, Christopher and Jennifer Janikula. 1999. Volunteerism and arrest
in the transition to adulthood. Social Forces. 78:331-362.
- Van Willingham, Marieke. 2000. "Differential benefits of volunteering
across the life course". Journal of Gerontology: Social Sciences.
55B: S1-S11.
- Piliavin, Jane A. (in press) "Doing well by doing good: Benefits
for the benefactor."
- Jos, P.H., Tompkins, M.E., and Hays, S. W. 1989. In praise of difficult
people: A portrait of the committed whistleblower. Public Administration
Review, Nov/Dec, 552-561.
- Greenberger, D.B., Miceli, M.P., and Cohen, D.J. 1987. Oppositionists
and group norms: The reciprocal influence of whistle-blowers and co-workers.
Journal of Business Ethics, 6, 527-542.
- Near, J.P., and Micelli, M. P. 1995. Effective whistle-blowing. Academy
of Management Review. 20:679-708.
- Miethe, T.D. and Rothschild, J. Whistleblowing and the control of
organizational misconduct. 1994. Sociological Inquiry, 64, 322-347.
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