3 Simulating Regression Models
Being able to generate your own example data is an imporant tool. You know where your data came from, which puts you in a position to judge how well your analysis recovered the essential features of the data.
3.1 Simple Regression
You begin with an empty slate, then generate \(x\). This could be from any arbitrary data distribution, so here we will use a continuous uniform distribution. Next we generate the \(\beta\)s. Here we will just pick two arbitrary values, 10 and -0.5. Then we generate the \(\epsilon\) values. These come from a random Normal distribution with a mean of 0 and an arbitrary \(\sigma\), 1.5.
Finally, we combine all of these to generate \(y\). The model for which we are creating data is:
\[ y \sim N(10-0.5x, 1.5^2)\]
clear all
set obs 50 // an arbitrary _N
3.1.1 Generate Data
generate x = runiform(0,20)
generate b0 = 10
generate b1 = -0.5
generate e = rnormal(0, 1.5) // sigma == 1.5
generate y = b0 + b1*x + e
The first five observations look like this:
list * in 1/5, noobs
(Rather than generating so much repeated data, we will find more efficient ways of doing this in future examples.)
3.1.2 Plot the Data
A scatter plot graphing \(y\) with \(x\):
graph twoway scatter y x
3.1.3 Plot the Random Component
We might graph the random element, \(e\), in several different ways.
histogram e, name(h)
kdensity e, name(kd)
qnorm e, name(q)
graph combine h kd q
3.1.4 Plot the Model
Then a graph including both the data and the regression line we are fitting is:
graph twoway (scatter y x) (lfit y x)
3.1.5 Regress
We can fit this model with the regress
command in Stata:
regress y x
*anova y c.x // would fit the same model
Source | SS df MS Number of obs = 50
-------------+---------------------------------- F(1, 48) = 187.78
Model | 370.327761 1 370.327761 Prob > F = 0.0000
Residual | 94.6603772 48 1.97209119 R-squared = 0.7964
-------------+---------------------------------- Adj R-squared = 0.7922
Total | 464.988138 49 9.48955383 Root MSE = 1.4043
y | Coef. Std. Err. t P>|t| [95% Conf. Interval]
x | -.4440427 .0324037 -13.70 0.000 -.5091948 -.3788906
_cons | 9.144904 .405187 22.57 0.000 8.33022 9.959587
3.1.6 Repeat
We can repeat this example numerous times by using the simulate
command. This requires us to set up our data generation and
model estimation as a program
(essentially, a single Stata
program define example1, eclass
set obs 25
generate x = runiform(0,25)
generate b0 = 10
generate b1 = -0.5
generate e = rnormal(0, 1.5) // sigma == 1.5
generate y = b0 + b1*x + e
regress y x
simulate b0=_b[_cons] b1=_b[x] e=e(rmse), reps(250) nodots: example1
command: example1
b0: _b[_cons]
b1: _b[x]
e: e(rmse)
Variable | Obs Mean Std. Dev. Min Max
b0 | 250 10.02846 .6277865 8.522183 11.82408
b1 | 250 -.5025731 .0442147 -.6190096 -.356326
e | 250 1.479487 .2249147 .9509845 2.075752
From here would could look at the distribution of b0
and b1
3.2 Simple ANOVA (t-test)
A two group ANOVA is the same model as a two-group t-test.
For this example we’ll code \(group \in {0,1}\). The mean of \(y\) for each group is 0 and 2, respectively. And \(y\) has a \(\sigma=2\).
\[y \sim N(0+2*group, 2^2)\]
3.2.1 Generate Data
set obs 50
generate group = _n > 25 // by observation number
generate y = rnormal(group*2, 2)
number of observations (_N) was 0, now 50
3.2.2 Plot the Data
We can plot our data as a scatterplot. It is also common practice to graph this as a boxplot.
twoway (scatter y group) (lfit y group), name(s)
graph box y, over(group) name(b)
graph combine s b
(file ttplot.png written in PNG format)
3.2.3 regress
This is a model we could fit with several different commands.
ttest y, by(group)
oneway y group, mean
anova y group
As a regression, we would use
regress y i.group
Source | SS df MS Number of obs = 50
-------------+---------------------------------- F(1, 48) = 14.36
Model | 56.9630552 1 56.9630552 Prob > F = 0.0004
Residual | 190.443253 48 3.96756776 R-squared = 0.2302
-------------+---------------------------------- Adj R-squared = 0.2142
Total | 247.406308 49 5.04910832 Root MSE = 1.9919
y | Coef. Std. Err. t P>|t| [95% Conf. Interval]
1.group | 2.134723 .5633875 3.79 0.000 1.001957 3.26749
_cons | -.4549388 .3983751 -1.14 0.259 -1.255926 .346048
Note the categorical (“factor”) variable prefix. In
this particular example, because group
has only the
two levels, already coded 0 and 1, we could get
away with skipping the prefix.
(The oneway
and anova
commands both assume group
a categorical variable. You could still add the prefix,
for clarity.)