Recent Working Papers*
Demography of Health and Aging
- Sewell, Hauser,
Springer, and Hauser. "As We Age: The Wisconsin Longitudinal Study, 1957-2001"
- Hauser."The Wisconsin Longitudinal
Social Origins, Aspirations, Achievement, and Health Across the Life Course"
- Hauser. "Attrition in the Long
Run: The Wisconsin Longitudinal Study" (PDF)
- Kuo, Park, Hauser,
Hauser, and Marks. "Surveys of the Life Course and Aging: Some Comparisons" (PDF)
- MacLean and Hauser.
"Measuring Depression among Adult Siblings" (PDF)
- MacLean and Hauser. "Socioeconomic Status
and Depression among Adult Siblings" (PDF)
- Miech and Hauser. "Social Class Indicators
and Health at Midlife" (PDF)
Measuring Psychological Well-Being
Social Stratification
Trends and Differentials in Education
- Hauser, Simmons, and Pager. "High School
Dropout, Race-Ethnicity, and Social Background from the 1970s to the 1990s" (PDF)
- Hauser, Pager, and Simmons. "Race-Ethnicity,
Social Background, and Grade Retention" (PDF)
- Hauser. "Should
We End Social Promotion? Truth and Consequences" (PDF)
- Hauser. "Schooling
and Academic Achievement in Time and Place" (PDF)
- Hauser. "Progress
in Schooling: A Review" (PDF)
- Hauser.
"Does Anybody Really Want to Know the Consequences of High Stakes Testing?"
- Hauser
and Andrew. "Another Look at the Stratification of Educational Transitions"
- Frederick and Hauser.
"Have We Put an End to Social Promotion? Changes in Grade Retention Rates
among Children Aged 6 to 17 from 1972 to 2003" (PDF)
- Hauser, Frederick, and Andrew.
"Grade Retention in the Age of Accountability" (PDF)
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