
Current Research Projects

Who gets the goods? Parliament, collective action, and the welfare state
with $228,814 funding from SSHRC Insight Grant, 2022, Collaborators: Pilar Goñalons-Pons and René Rojas.

The Policy Road to Socialism
with funding from the Samuel Clark Award, 2021

Collective action and the welfare state in Latin America
with $9,602 funding from Western’s Faculty Research Development Fund (FRDF) 2022

For better or for worse: Understanding the material bases of social change
with $74,652 funding from SSHRC Insight Development Grant, 2020, Co-Applicant: Adaner Usmani

The Social Theory of Erik Olin Wright
with funding from SSHRC Internal Seed Research Grant, 2019

Life After Work
with $34,347 funding from SSHRC Insight Development Grant, Co-Applicant: Evelyn Forget

Understanding the material bases of social change 
with internal SSHRC funding

Below is a list of my published work:

Journal articles

2024. “Who gets the goods? Disentangling the effects of parliamentary representation and collective action on social spending” (With Ella Wind) European Sociological Review, Pp. 1-20. Forthcoming.

2024. “Five Interconnections of Race and Class,” (With Michael Martinez) Historical Materialism, 1-42. PDF.

2023. “A Class Functionalist Theory of Race,” (With Michael Martinez) Du Bois Review. 20(2), 239-267.

2022. “Exit, Voice, and Loyalty in the Family”  (with Pilar Gonalons Pons) Socio-Economic Review, 1-29. PDF

2022. “The Policy Road to Socialism” Critical Sociology, 48(3), 397-422. PDF.

2021. “Which Way Forward for Economic Security: Basic Income or Public Services?” (with Tom Malleson) Basic Income Studies pp. 1-43. PDF

2020. “The Impact of an Experimental Guaranteed Income on Crime and Violence” (with Pilar Gonalons-Pons) Social Problems spaa001. PDF

2020. “The employer response to the guaranteed annual income” Socio-Economic Review 18(2): 493-517. PDF

2019. “Life After Work.” (with Jonathan Latner and Evelyn Forget). Social Science History, 43(4): 657-677. PDF

2019. “The High-Hanging Fruit of the Gender Revolution: A Model of Social Reproduction and Social Change” Sociological Theory 37(1):35-61. PDF

2019. “Basic Income and the Pitfalls of Randomization” Contexts 18(1): 22-29. PDF

2018. “Does Basic Income Assume a Can Opener?” Catalyst 2(3): 136-155. PDF

2018. “Structural and individualistic theories of poverty” Sociology Compass 12(12): 1-14. PDF

2018. “’If the work requirement is strong’: The business response to basic income proposals in Canada and the US” Canadian Journal of Sociology 43(3): 291-315. PDF

2017. “Debating Basic Income” Catalyst 1(3): 62-91. PDF
Spanish translation: “Debatiendo el ingreso básico” horizontal

2017. “Basic Income in a Small Town: Understanding the Elusive Effects on Work” (with Jonathan Latner) Social Problems 64(3):373-97. PDF

2016 “‘More Normal than Welfare’: The Mincome Experiment, Stigma, and Community Experience” Canadian Review of Sociology 53(1):26-71. PDF

2014 “Economic sociology as disequilibrium economics: A Contribution to the Critique of the New Economic Sociology” The Sociological Review 62: 565-592: PDF

2013. Calnitsky, David. and Asher Dupuy-Spencer. 2013. “The Economic Consequences of Homo Economicus: Neoclassical Economic Theory and the Fallacy of Market Optimality”, The Journal of Philosophical Economics, 6(2), 2-26.

2011. Calnitsky, David. “Crisis and the Specificity of Analysis.” Critical Sociology, 37(4), 483-492.

2011. Calnitsky, David, and João A. Peschanski. “Theoretical Models of Alternatives to Capitalism” [in Portuguese]. Margem Esquerda, 17, 37-44.

Book reviews and short publications

2012. Calnitsky, David. “Review of Technology and Social Theory” by Steve Matthewman. Canadian Journal of Sociology, 37(4), 446-449.

2011. Calnitsky, David. “Review of The Poverty Regime in Village India” by Jan Bremen. International Sociology, 26(2), 231-233.

2010. Calnitsky, David. “Review of Sustainable Capitalism” by John Ikerd. Science & Society, 74(1), 135-138.

2008. Calnitsky, David. “Of Capital and Compromise: Review of The Shock Doctrine” by Naomi Klein. Upping the Anti, 6, 167-174.