Publications using Dynamo
Below is a list of publications that use diagrams created in Dynamo. If you publish something with figures created in Dynamo, please contact me so that I can add your work to the list.
- J. Apaloo, "Evolutionary Matrix Games and Optimization Theory." Journal of Theoretical Biology 257 (2007), 84-89.
- R. Golman, Essays on Population Learning Dynamics and Boundedly Rational Behavior. Ph.D. thesis, University of Michigan (2009).
- R. Golman and S.E. Page, "Basins of Attraction and Equilibrium Selection under Different Learning Rules." Journal of Evolutionary Econmics 20 (2009), 49-72.
- J. Hofbauer and W. H. Sandholm, "Stable Games and their Dynamics". Journal of Economic Theory 144 (2009), 1665-1693.
- W. H. Sandholm, "Evolutionary Game Theory". In the Encyclopedia of Complexity and System Science, R. A. Meyers, ed., 3176-3205, Springer (2009).
- H. Tembine, E. Altman, R. El Azouzi, and Y. Hayel, "Correlated Evolutionarily Stable Strategies in Random Medium Access Control.", in GameNets'09: Proceedings of the First ICST International Conference on Game Theory for Networks, 212-221 (2009).
- A. Traulsen and C. Hauert, "Stochastic Evolutionary Game Dynamics." In Reviews of Nonlinear Dynamics and Complexity, v. 2, H.G. Schuster, ed., 25-61. Wiley (2009).
- A. Traulsen, C. Hauert, H. De Silva, M. Novak, and K. Sigmund, "Exploration Dynamics in Evolutionary Games." Procedings of the National Academy of Sciences 106 (2009), 709-712.
- H. Yu, A. Z. Zeng, and L. Zhao, "Analyzing the Evolutionary Stability of the Vendor-managed Inventory Supply Chains." Computers & Industrial Engineering 56 (2009), 274-282.
- R. Golman and S.E. Page, "Individual and Cultural Learning in Stag Hunt Games with Multiple Actions". Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization 73 (2010), 359-376.
- X. Liu and W. Guo, "Persistent cooperators in nature". Journal of Theoretical Biology 267 (2010), 647-652.
- A. J. Bladon, T. Galla, and A. J. McKane, "Evolutionary dynamics, intrinsic noise, and cycles of cooperation". Physical Review E 81 (2010), 066122.
- W. H. Sandholm, Population Games and Evolutionary Dynamics, MIT Press (2010).
- Z.-Z. Wang, Gong-Yu Chen, and W.-N. Li, ""Analysis on the evolutionary stability of enterprises implementing supply chain responsibility". 17th International Conference on Management Science & Engineering , 183-190 (2010).
- A. Arenas, J. Camacho, J. Cuesta, and R. Requejo, "The joker effect: cooperation driven by destructive agents." Journal of Theoretical Biology 279, 27-59 (2011).
- R. Cressman, "Extensive form games, asymmetric games and games with continuous strategy spaces", In K. Sigmund, ed., Evolutionary Game Dynamics, Proceedings of Symposia in Applied Mathematics 69, American Mathematical Society, Providence, RI, 61-79 (2011).
- E. Gubar, L. Fotina, I. Nikitina, and E. Zhitkova, "Two Models of the Influenza Epidemic". Contributions to Game Theory and Management, Vol. V: The Fifth International Conference Game Theory and Management June 27-29, 2011, St. Petersburg, Russia, L. A. Petrosyan and N. A. Zenkevich, eds., 107-120 (2011).
- D. E. A. Fryer, General Incentives in Finite Game Theory. Ph.D. thesis, University of Illinois (2011).
- J. Hofbauer, "Deterministic evolutionary game dynamics", In K. Sigmund, ed., Evolutionary Game Dynamics, Proceedings of Symposia in Applied Mathematics 69, American Mathematical Society, Providence, RI, 61-79 (2011).
- J. Hofbauer and W. H. Sandholm, "Survival of dominated strategies under evolutionary dynamics". Theoretical Economics 6 (2011), 341-377.
- M. Radzvilas, "Rawlsian 'Justice' and the evolutionary theory of games: Cultural evolution and the origins of the natural maxmin rule". Problemos 80 (2011), 35-53.
- O. Smirnov and T. Johnson. "Formal evolutionary modeling for political scientists." In P. K. Hatemi and R. McDermott, eds., Man is by Nature a Political Animal. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 72-100 (2011).
- B. Wu, D. Zhou, and L. Wang, "Evolutionary dynamics on stochastic evolving networks for multiple-strategy games". Physical Review E 84 (2011), 046111.
- B. Xu and Z. Wang, "Evolutionary Dynamical Pattern of 'Coyness and Philandering': Evidence from Experimental Economics". Unifying Themes in Complex Systems, Vol. VIII: Procedings of the Eighth International Conference on Complex Systems, H. Sayama et al., eds., New England Complex Systems Institute Series on Complexity, Knowledge Press (2011).
- U. Berger, "Non-algebraic convergence proofs for continuous-time fictitious play". Dynamic Games and Applications 2 (2012), 4-17.
- E. Mohlin, E. "Evolution of theories of mind". Games and Economic Behavior 75 (2012), 299-312.
- R. O. Prum and L. Samuelson, "The Hairy-Downy Game: A model of interspecific social dominance mimicry". Journal of Theoretical Biology 313 (2012), 42-60.
- R. J. Requejo Martínez, "On the influence of resources use and destruction on the evolution of cooperation". PhD thesis, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (2012).
- R. J. Requejo, J. Camacho, J. A. Cuesta, and A. Arenas, "Stability and robustness analysis of cooperation cycles driven by destructive agents in finite populations". Physical Review E 86 (2012), 026105.
- M. van Veelen, "Robustness against indirect invasions". Games and Economic Behavior 74 (2012), 382-393.
- C. Wang, B. Wu, M. Cao, and G. Xie, "Modified snowdrift games for multi-robot water polo matches". 24th Chinese Control and Decision Conference (CCDC), 164-169 (2012).
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