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Pamela Oliver
Sociology Dept
1180 Observatory Dr. Madison, Wisconsin



Professor Pamela Oliver

Department of Sociology

Sociology Incoming Graduate Students Fall 2002

Planning Your Schedule

The typical student will take 700 (the proseminar), 773 (classical theory), a statistics course, and one other course for a total of 11 credits. A "credit" is roughly equivalent to one hour of class time per week. A standard class is three credits; statistics classes are 4 credits because they include labs. The proseminar (Soc 700) is one credit. You are not allowed to enroll in more than 12 credits without filing special forms with the Graduate School. If you have a teaching or project assistantship, you are considered full time if you are enrolled in 6 credits or more.

The best and most up-to-date information about fall courses is available via the Internet. Program information such as requirements etc. can be found at http://www.wisc.edu/grad/ for the Graduate School and http://www.ssc.wisc.edu/soc/ for Sociology.

A. Everyone is required to take Soc 700, 1 credit. This will meet on Mondays, 5:30-7:30 pm. Each week, a different faculty member will give a lecture summarizing a research area in sociology. Attendance is the only requirement. This is an important orienting experience.

B. Sociological theory, 773, is required and most students should take it this fall. A few students entering from other graduate programs in sociology may qualify for a waiver on the basis of a prior graduate level course in classical theory. We examined the transcripts in the application files, and have communicated with the few people we believe have had such a course. Contact Prof. Charles Camic (Camic@ssc.wisc.edu) if you believe you qualify for a waiver and have not been contacted. If you do receive a waiver, you will need to execute a formal waiver form for your file, which you can do after you arrive.

C. We have already communicated with most of you regarding your statistics placement. Another copy of this information is enclosed, in case you need it. The placement can be corrected after you are here. NOTE: If you are waived out of 361 or 362, you will need to execute a formal waiver form for your file, which you can do after you arrive.

D. Pick at least one course in sociology that seems really interesting to you. Look at the course descriptions and feel free to contact the instructor for more information about particular courses. You will take courses outside sociology later, for your minor, but most students should spend their first year getting to know sociology.

E. Most of you will want to attend one or more of the area training seminars or "brownbags" listed on the course descriptions pages. However, except for a few of you who have formal traineeships who need to take a particular course to keep your funding, it is not necessary to enroll in these for credit. If you take a training seminar, take it for only 1 credit.

F. Consult with the faculty in your areas of particular interest to see if they have recommendations about course sequences or prerequisites. Demography students should take 663 (Population and Society) this fall and take Demographic Techniques (674) in the spring. Demography trainees are required to enroll in the demography training seminar (997).

G. You need to check the TIMES at which courses are offered to see that you don't try to take two courses taught at the same time. We worked very hard to try to eliminate overlaps among courses graduate students would want to take, but there are more courses than time slots, and some overlaps inevitably remain. Please do not ask us to reschedule courses around your needs: I assure you that any change would just create a new conflict. Remember, you check times by clicking the [] under "go to sections" in the on-line timetable. Please register for the statistics lab number you were assigned to. It is usually possible to switch labs later if necessary.

After you have considered your course options for fall, you should communicate with me for advice. I am very easy to reach by email (oliver@ssc.wisc.edu), and this is usually the best method of communication. However, you are also welcome to telephone me. I work at home a lot, and you are welcome to call me at my home at 608-829-3692; you can also call my office at 608-262-6829. I expect to be out of Madison July 11-22, and may take other short trips out of town. Messages can be left on the answering machine at home and with a secretary in the office (after 5 rings). I will keep the Graduate Program Assistant, Sandy Ramer, informed of my schedule should unforseen circumstances arises or in case you have difficulty reaching me. Please call her at 608-262-3805 during business hours (roughly 9 am - 5 pm Monday through Friday) if you are having difficulty contacting me. There are many questions which she can answer without me.

Once we have decided what is available and what you should take, you are set to formally register. In the middle of June you will receive information from the Registrar's Office regarding how to register by touch-tone phone. New graduate students will be able to register in July, according to your assigned time. You must actually do the touchtone telephone registration to be enrolled in the classes you want to take. If you do not do it over the summer, you will have to do it after you are in Madison. We are reserving seats for you, but cannot enroll or pre-register you.

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Questions or Comments? Email Oliver -at- ssc -dot- wisc -dot- edu. Last updated December 25, 2004 © University of Wisconsin.