Economics 310 Economic Statistics: Measurement in Economics
This site provides resources for students in Economics 310
at the University of Wisconsin,
Madison for Fall 2004 Semester
Syllabus |
Important Dates |
Downloadable Course Materials and Information Sources |
Department of
Economics Home Page
LECTURE: MW 2:30-3:45 165 BASCOM Effective on Monday 13 September (Supersedes 3425 Sterling)
LAB 301: W 3:50-5:45, 6116 Social Sciences
LAB 302: T 4:20-6:15, 6106 Social Sciences
LAB 303: R 1:20-3:15, 119 Van Hise (changed from 226 Animal Sciences)
LAB 304: W 3:50-5:45, 6322 Social Sciences
LAB 305: R 4:00-5:50, 6203 Social Sciences
LAB 306: F 9:55-11:50, 499 Van Hise
Professor Menzie Chinn
Office Hours: M4-6
Office: 7418 Social Sciences Bldg.
Phone: (608) 262-7397
Home Page
Teaching Assistants
Shin Kanaya
Kanaya's Home Page
Jeremy Sandford
Sandford's Home Page
Michael Malcolm
Office: 6473 Social Sciences Bldg.
phone: 263-3884
Ec310 Syllabus in PDF file.
Economics 310 is a course in probability and statistics with applications to economic and business problems.
Much of applied economics is empirical in nature; hence, the understanding and application of statistical
reasoning is key. We will also devote some time to regression analysis, the primary means by which economists
measure the strength of economic relationships (e.g., price elasticities, the marginal propensity to consume, etc.).
The textbook is McClave, Benson and Sincich, Statistics for Business and Economics 9th Edition (Prentice-Hall, 2004).
available at
the University Bookstore.
Grading will be based upon five problem sets (20%), two midterms (40%) and one comprehensive
final (40%).
- Midterm I: Monday, October 18. Bring your Student ID card for verification purposes
- Midterm II: Monday, November 15. Bring your Student ID card for verification purposes
- Final Exam: Monday, Dec. 20, 10:05, Social Sciences 5206. Bring your Student ID card for verification purposes
Downloadable Course Materials
Statistics related articles of current interest
Data Sources
- White House Economic Briefing Room Contains
current economic data.
- Bureau of Economic Analysis, Dept. of Commerce Data on GDP and components (the national income and product accounts) as well as other macroeconomic data.
- Bureau of the Census, Dept. of Commerce Data on the characteristics
of the US population as well as of US firms.
- Bureau of Labor Statistics, Dept. of Labor Data on
wages, prices, productivity, and employment and unemployment rates.
- Energy Information Agency, Dept. of Energy Data on
on energy (electricity, gas, petroleum) production, consumption and prices.
- Statistical Abstract of the US
A compilation of statistics about the US, from government and nongovernment sources.
- Conference Board's Indices of Leading Indicators Measures that are
supposed to predict future economic activity.
- University of Michigan's Index of Consumer Sentiment
Survey based measures of consumer sentiment.
- Economic Report of the President, various years. The back portion of
this annual publication contains about 70 tables of government economic data.
- St. Louis Fed economic database Thousands
of time series on economic activity, in an easily downloadable form.
- Economic Time Series page A large collection of economic time series.
- NBER Data Specialized economic databases created by
economists associated with the National Bureau of Economic Research.
- NBER Macrohistorical database
Historical macroeconomic data.
- Federal Reserve Board data Monetary, financial and output data
collected by the Nation's central bank.
- Penn World Tables Annual GDP and other data for over a hundred countries, expressed
in dollars, after adjusting for differing price levels.
Department of
Economics Home Page
Economic Statistics/ UW Madison / / 16 December 2004