- "Brokering Votes with Information Spread Via Social Networks,"
(with R. Duarte, F. Finan, and H.A. Larreguy) 2025. Forthcoming Review of Economic Studies.
- "Informal Contracts in an Incomplete Market: The Price
of Milk in Paraguay," (with G. Shi and M. Suzuki) 2024. Forthcoming Economic
Development and Cultural Change.
- "Spillovers without Social Interactions in Urban
Sanitation," (with J. Deutschmann, M. Lipscomb, and S.J. Zhu) 2024.
American Economic Journal: Applied Economics, 16(3): 482-515.
- "Persuading Voters to Punish Corrupt Vote-Buying Candidates:
Experimental Evidence from a Large-Scale Radio Campaign in India,"
(with S. Vasudevan) 2023. Journal of Development Economics, 160.
- "Privatization of Public Goods:
Evidence from the Sanitation Sector in Senegal," (with J. Deutschmann, J. Gars, J.-F. Houde,
and M. Lipscomb) 2023. Journal of Development Economics, 160.
- "Country of Women? Repercussions of the Triple Alliance War in Paraguay,"
(with J. Alix-Garcia, F. Valencia Caicedo, and S.J. Zhu) 2022.
Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, 202: 131-167.
- "Information
Technology and Government Decentralization:
Experimental Evidence from Paraguay," (with E. Dal Bó,
F. Finan, and N.Y. Li) 2021. Econometrica, 89(2): 677-701.
- "Structural
Experimentation to Distinguish
between Models of Risk Sharing with Frictions in Rural Paraguay,"
(with E. Ligon) 2020. Economic Development and Cultural Change, 69(1): 1-50.
- "Externalities
and Spillovers from Sanitation and
Waste Management in Urban and Rural Neighborhoods," (with E. P. Kresch
and M. Lipscomb) 2020. Applied Economic Perspectives and Policy, 42(3): 395-420.
- "Subsidies versus Mental Accounting Nudges: Harnessing
Mobile Payment Systems to Improve Sanitation," (with M. Lipscomb) 2018.
Journal of Development Economics, 135: 235-254.
- "Receptiveness to Advice, Cognitive Ability, and
Technology Adoption," (with B.L. Barham,
J.-P. Chavas, and D. Fitz) 2018.
Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, 149: 239-268.
- "Stability of Social, Risk, and Time Preferences Over
Multiple Years," (with Y. Chuang) 2015. Journal
of Development Economics, 117: 151-170.
- "Social
Networks in Developing Countries," (with Y. Chuang)
2015. Annual Review of Resource Economics, 7: 451-472.
- "Risk, Learning, and Technology Adoption," (with , J.-P. Chavas,
D. Fitz, and V. Ríos-Salas) 2015. Agricultural Economics, 46(1): 11-24.
- "The
Roles of Risk and Ambiguity in Technology Adoption,"
(with B. L. Barham, J.-P. Chavas, D. Fitz, and V. Ríos-Salas) 2014.
Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, 97: 204-218.
- "Vote-Buying and Reciprocity,"
(with F. Finan) 2012. Econometrica,
- "Motives for Sharing in Social Networks,"
(with E. Ligon) 2012. Journal of Development Economics, 99(1): 13-26.
- "Inequality, Reciprocity, and Credit in Social
Networks," (with A. Yuskavage) 2012.
American Journal of Agricultural Economics, Papers & Proceedings,
- "The Apple and Your Eye: Visual and Taste
Rank-Ordered Probit Analysis with Correlated Errors," 2010.
Food Quality and Preference, 21(1): 112-120.
- "Detecting
Problems in Survey Data using Benford's
Law," (with G. Judge) 2009. Journal of
Human Resources, 44(1): 1-24.
- "To
Deceive or Not To Deceive: The Effect of Deception on Behavior in Future Laboratory
Experiments," (with J. Jamison and D. Karlan) 2008.
Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, 68(3-4): 477-488.
- "Theft, Gift-Giving, and
Trustworthiness: Honesty is Its Own Reward in Rural Paraguay,"
2007. American Economic Review, 97(5): 1560-1582.
- "Risk Aversion and Expected-Utility
Theory: A Calibration Exercise," 2007. Journal of Risk and Uncertainty, 35(1): 67-76.
- "An Empirical Non-Parametric Likelihood Family of
Data-Based Benford-Like Distributions," (with M. Grendar and G. Judge)
2007. Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications, 380: 429-438.
- "Traditional Trust Measurement and the Risk
Confound: An Experiment in Rural Paraguay," 2007. Journal of
Economic Behavior and Organization, 62(2): 272-292.
- "Measuring
Vulnerability," (with E. Ligon) 2003. Economic Journal, 113(486): 95-102.
Editorial Positions
- Current
- 2017 - 2026: Economic Journal - Associate Editor.
- Previous
- 2017 - 2022: Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization - Co-Editor.
- 2016 - 2019: American Journal of Agricultural Economics - Associate Editor.
- 2011 - 2016: Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization - Associate Editor.
- 2011 - 2015: Applied Economic Perspectives and Policy - Editorial Board.
Podcast Coverage
Write-ups in the (Not So) Popular Press
"Senegal's Innovations in Sanitation Offer the World a Way Forward," March 1, 2017.
"Senegal Turns to Sewage in Bid to Meet Renewable Goals," October 23, 2015.
"'We want to turn poo into gold': how SMS is transforming Senegal's sanitation," August 12, 2015.
The Guardian.
"Desludging Dakar," 2015.
On Wisconsin Magazine, Spring.
- "Figuring the Net Worth of Trust," 2007.
Grow: Wisconsin's Magazine for the Life Sciences, 1(1): 27.
- "Young Guns: 5 Hot Minds in Economics," 2006.
Yale Economic Review, 3(1): 30-37.
- "To Deceive or not to Deceive? The Economic
Consequences of Deception," 2006. Yale Economic Review, 3(1): 3.
Work in Progress
Teaching at UW Madison
- AAE 374: The Growth
and Development of Nations in the Global Economy, Fall 2005, 2006.
- AAE 462: Latin American
Economic Development, Spring 2006, 2008, 2009, 2023.
- Econ/AAE 474:
Economic Problems of Developing Areas, Fall 2008, Spring 2013, 2016, 2025.
- AAE 730: Graduate
Economic Development, Fall 2006, Spring 2008, 2010, 2012, 2014, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022, 2024.
- AAE 780: Graduate
Research Colloquium, Spring 2012, 2013, 2014, 2017, 2019, 2020, 2021, 2023, 2024.
Teaching at Yale
- Econ 479: Social Networks in
Development Economics, Fall 2014.
Teaching at MSU
- EC 412: Economic Analysis of
Latin America, Fall 2010.
- EC 850: Growth, Development, and Human
Resources, Fall 2010.
International Movies for Kids
Dormant Working Papers