{smcl} {cmd: help myrange} {hline} {title: Title} {phang}{bf: myrange {hline 1} Believe it or not, I calculate the range for you.} {title: Syntax} {phang}{cmd: myrange} {varlist} {ifin} [{cmd:,} {cmd: quiet}] {title: Options} {phang} {opt quiet} I do not want to see the result... {title: Description} {phang} {cmd: myrange} computes the range for a given numeric variable. Why range? becaue I do not know how to do math. By the way, the result is returned as a scalar. {title: Example} {phang}{stata "sysuse lifeexp": . sysuse lifeexp}{p_end} {phang}{stata "myrange lexp": . myrange lexp}{p_end} {phang}{stata "return list": . return list}{p_end} {title: Author} {phang}Long Hong{p_end} {phang}Bocconi University, Milan, Italy{p_end} {phang}{browse "mailto:long.hong@studbocconi.it":long.hong@studbocconi.it}