Labor economics; Public economics; Urban economics; Economic demography
"The Work-from-Home Technology Boon and its Consequences." (2024) (w/ Morris Davis and Andra Ghent), Review of Economic Studies, 91(6):3362–3401.
- Paper
"The Return to Work in Disability Programs: What Has Been Learned and Next Steps." (2021) (w/ Robert Moffitt), In Lessons from SSA Demonstrations for Disability Policy and Future Research, edited by Austin Nichols, Jeffrey Hemmeter, and Debra Goetz Engler, 135–186. Abt Press.
- Paper
"Neighborhood Effects and Housing Vouchers." (2021) (w/ Morris Davis, Dan Hartley, and Kegon Tan), Quantitative Economics, 12(4):1307-1346.
- Paper - Online Appendix
"Estimation of an Equilibrium Model with Externalities: Post-Disaster Neighborhood Rebuilding." (2019) (w/ Chao Fu) Econometrica, 87(2):387-421.
- Paper
"Do Basketball Scoring Patterns Reflect Illegal Point Shaving or Optimal In-Game Adjustments?" (2018) Quantitative Economics, 9(2):1053-1085.
- Paper - Online Appendix
"Assessing the Incidence and Efficiency of a Prominent Place-Based Policy," (2013) (w/ Matias Busso and Patrick Kline) American Economic Review, 103(2):897-947.
- Paper - Web Appendix - (Non-technical summary published in IRP FOCUS)
"The Location of Displaced New Orleans Residents in the Year After Hurricane Katrina," (2014) (w/ Narayan Sastry) Demography, 51(3):753-775.
- Paper
"The Effect of Hurricane Katrina on the Prevalence of Health Impairments and Disability among Adults in New Orleans: Differences by Age, Race, and Sex," (2013) (w/ Narayan Sastry) Social Science & Medicine, 80:121-129.
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"Employment among Social Security Disability Program Beneficiaries, 1996-2007'' (2011) (w/ Arif Mamun, Paul O'leary, and David Wittenburg) Social Security Bulletin, 71(3):11-34.
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"Beneficiary Participation in Ticket to Work." (2007) (w/ David Stapleton and Gina Livermore) "Ticket to Success? Early Findings from the Ticket to Work Evaluation," special issue, Journal of Vocational Rehabilitation, 27(2):95-106.
- Paper
"Initial Impacts of the Ticket to Work Program on Social Security Disability Beneficiary Service Enrollment, Earnings, and Benefits." (2007) (w/ David Wittenburg, Thomas Fraker, David Stapleton, Craig Thornton, and Arif Mamun) "Ticket to Success? Early Findings from the Ticket to Work Evaluation," special issue, Journal of Vocational Rehabilitation, 27(2):129-140.
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Working Papers
"Winners and Losers from the Work-from-Home Technology Boon." (w/ Morris Davis and Andra Ghent)
- Paper
"Preferences over the Racial Composition of Neighborhoods: Estimates and Implications" (w/ Morris Davis and Dan Hartley)
- Paper
[replaces earlier version: "The Long-Run Effects of Low-Income Housing on Neighborhood Composition."]
"Place-Based Redistribution in Location-Choice Models." (w/ Morris Davis )
- Paper
"The Impact of Post-Katrina Rebuilding Grants on the Resettlement Choices of New Orleans Homeowners"
- Paper