
Elwert_picFelix Elwert is the Vilas Associate Professor of Sociology at the University of Wisconsin–Madison (websitecvemail).

Dr. Elwert grew up in Germany and holds graduate degrees in sociology and in statistics from Harvard University. His methodological research deals with causal inference in the social sciences. His substantive research is in social demography, social stratification, and family sociology. Currently, Felix delights in puzzling selection artifacts in human mortality and develop methods for causal inference in social networks.

At the University of Wisconsin, Dr. Elwert teaches a graduate seminar in causal inference and a large undergraduate lecture course. Additionally, he regularly teaches customized short courses on causal inference lasting anywhere from a day to a week across the United States and Europe.

Dr. Elwert’s work has appeared in the American Journal of Sociology, the American Sociological Review, the American Journal of Public HealthDemography, and elsewhere.