Dan Quint's Research Page (research
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Recent Working Papers
Adam Dearing, Lorenzo Magnolfi, Daniel Quint, Christopher Sullivan, and Sarah Waldfogel, Learning Firm Conduct: Pass-Through as a Foundation for Instrument Relevance (Aug 2024)
(supplants Magnolfi, Quint, Sullivan, and Waldfogel,
Falsifying Models of
Firm Conduct)
Daniel Quint and Fuhito Kojima, Symmetric Equilibrium in Pre-Auction Investment (Sep 2024)
John Higgins, Lorenzo Magnolfi, Daniel Quint, and Christopher Sullivan, Platform Switching Polices under Collusion: Unintended Consequences for Digital Platforms (Jan 2025)
(peer-reviewed econ)
Raymond Deneckere
and Daniel Quint, “Bid Shopping”
in Procurement Auctions with Subcontracting, accepted for publication, Review of Economic Studies
Daniel Quint and
Marek Weretka, Slope-Takers in
Anonymous Markets, AEJ:
Microeconomics 15 (4), November 2023
Lars Boerner and
Daniel Quint, Medieval Matching
Markets, International Economic
Review 64 (1), February 2023
(discussion of
an earlier version on Al Roth's Market
Design blog and Economic
Lorenzo Magnolfi, Daniel Quint, Christopher Sullivan, and Sarah Waldfogel, Differentiated-Products Cournot Attributes Higher Markups Than Bertrand-Nash, Economics Letters 219, October 2022
Cristián Hernández, Daniel Quint, and Christopher Turansick, Estimation in English Auctions with Unobserved Heterogeneity, RAND Journal of Economics 51 (3), Fall 2020
Quint, Identification
in Symmetric English Auctions with Additively Separable Unobserved
Daniel Quint and Ken
Hendricks, A Theory of Indicative
Bidding, AEJ: Microeconomics 10 (2), May 2018
Daniel Quint, Common Values and Low Reserve Prices, Journal of Industrial Economics 65 (2), June 2017
Aradillas-López, Amit Gandhi and Daniel Quint, A Simple Test for Moment Inequality Models with an Application to
English Auctions, Journal of Econometrics 194, September
Daniel Quint, Imperfect Competition with Complements And
Substitutes, Journal of Economic Theory 152, July 2014
Daniel Quint, Pooling With Essential And Nonessential
Patents, AEJ: Microeconomics 6 (1), February 2014
Aradillas-López, Amit Gandhi and Daniel Quint, Identification and Inference in Ascending Auctions with Correlated
Private Values, Econometrica 81 (2), March 2013
Daniel Quint, Looking Smart versus Playing Dumb in
Common-Value Auctions, Economic Theory 44 (3), September
Daniel Quint, Unobserved Correlation in Private-Value
Ascending Auctions, Economics Letters 100 (3), September
Guillermo Caruana, Liran Einav, and Daniel Quint, Multilateral Bargaining with Concession Costs, Journal of Economic Theory 132 (1), January 2007
Daniel Quint and
Liran Einav, Efficient Entry, Economics
Letters 88 (2), August 2005
Other Publications
Daniel Quint, Patent Pools, The New Palgrave Dictionary of
Economics Online, Eds. Steven Durlauf and Lawrence Blume, Palgrave
Macmillan, 2008
Daniel Quint, Leiba
Rodman, and Ilya Spitkovsky, New
Cases of Almost Periodic Factorization of Triangular Matrix Functions, Michigan
Mathematical Journal 45 (1), April 1998
Older Unpublished Work
(“Resting Papers”)
Christiaan van
Bochove, Lars Boerner, and Daniel Quint, Anglo-Dutch Premium Auctions in Eighteenth-Century Amsterdam (Jan 2017)
Daniel Quint, A Simple Example to Illustrate the Linkage Principle (Apr 2016)
Yuanchuan Lien and Daniel Quint, Bidding Reversals in a Multiple-Good Auction with Aggregate Reserve Price (Jan 2011)